PEO Statistics

PEO Industry Statistics

Small Businesses that use a PEO typically grow at a rate that is 10% faster than small businesses that don’t use a PEO.*

The Turnover rate is 14% lower with companies that use a PEO vs. companies that don’t use a PEO.*

Businesses that use a PEO are 50% less likely to go out of business than companies that don’t use a PEO.*

The current size of the PEO industry is between $136 and $156 billion, as measured in gross revenues.*

PEOs provide services to between 156,000 and 180,000 small and mid-sized businesses, employing between 2.7 and 3.4 million people.*

There are between 780 and 980 PEOs currently operating in the United States. They employ between 21,000 and 27,000 people internally.*

The PEO industry has grown significantly. In each of the last 30 years, the industry has added, on average, roughly 100,000 worksite employees and 6,000 net new clients. For perspective, that means that every five years, the PEO industry has added the employment equivalent of the entire utilities industry in the United States.*

The estimated 2.7 to 3.4 million employees who benefit from PEO services is a number larger than the size of the entire agriculture/forestry industry in the United States (and close to the size of the federal government, the education sector, or the information sector), based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).*

*Source: NAPEO


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