PEO Consultants Blog

Defining a PEO Broker: Who They Are & Why You Need One

Why You Should Work with a PEO Broker

With more than 900 PEOs in the United States alone, the amount of time and effort it would take for you to narrow down the selection, interview those that made the short-list, complete forms that are many times complex and lengthy, compare their services and prices and finally on-board a PEO is overwhelming.

Because a PEO broker represents many PEOs, they are quick to narrow down the field to those that meet your specific requirements at the right cost for you. With insight into which PEOs would be best for your needs and which ones to avoid, you’re immediately on track to partner with the best PEO for your business. In addition, you’ll save precious time completing paperwork. By engaging with a PEO broker, you provide information only once. The PEO broker takes it from there and will shop their short-list to find you the best services that meet your specific needs at the very best price.

What to Expect 

Although all PEO brokers don’t operate the same or provide the same services, you should select a PEO broker with you every step of the way, from initial analysis and selection to implementation and ongoing support. In addition, the PEO broker should have experience and readily provide you with statistics, such as the amount of money their clients have saved in PEO costs, the number or percentage of employees that are receiving better benefits, and the average savings per client.

When it comes to the process, you should expect your PEO broker to conduct a complete analysis. This should include a consultation of your needs, including health insurance, payroll, workers’ compensation, other benefits, and premium services. The broker will then use this information to obtain offers from their PEO partners. Once the PEO broker receives the offers, they should consolidate the quotes so that you can quickly and accurately make comparisons.

Digging a Bit Deeper

Since your PEO broker is an unbiased third-party, they should provide PEO selection advice, technology differences between the PEOs that made the short-list, and always be available to discuss any concerns you may have about your PEO. Remember, the PEO broker you select is your partner and trusted adviser throughout the lifetime of the engagement. And, the best news is that their services are free to you!

Is a one-stop shop to find the best PEO right for you? Learn everything you need to know about The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) to determine if it’s the right choice for your business.


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